Figs and Fury is a chancel drama based on the life of the prophet Jeremiah. In the fall of 2001, Elements (formerly Stages) Theatre Company performed Figs and Fury in the Church of the Transfiguration, Orleans, MA. For information on Elements Theatre Company, inquires on performance rights and/or to purchase of Figs and Fury, please click here for the company’s official web site.
The Doorway was written by Phyllis Tickle and performed by Elements Theatre Company for the 10th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church of the Transfiguration. It tells the story of an artist’s experience as she comes to the completion of her work in the church. Nearly finished with her tasks, Madeleine is stumped by the final inscription for a chalice that remains to be carved. Her muse, an owl named Theodore, advises her to call upon the building itself, and the stories recorded in the art there, to help her find the final missing piece that will bring the work to an end. Bridging the real and the fantastic, The Doorway echoed the completion of the Church of the Transfiguration at its 10th Dedication Anniversary.